Friday, March 21, 2008

wow, i've sank to a new low on a friday night

Well, here i am FINALLY pealing my butt off the perverbial bed that's kept me from doing this for so long, only because i know it will be months between updates because i am the mother of a high maintenance baby boy, But I love being a mom! Never before have i ever been so into a kid until i had one.  Before it was like, oh, a kid, wooow.  now I'm like BABIES!! i want to hold them and love on them a cuddle with them.  WHAT HAPPENED?  it's like i just snapped.  
SO because my child is very needy, i find myself trying to put him to bed for the last 3 hours only to finally pull him out of the crib, wipe away his tears (and snot, given) and prop him on "mama and dadas" bed, pop some popcorn and settle down to the Family Guy, given the only cartoon on friday night with no cable. Needless to say, Vincent was happy.  
Well, that's not the new low. So here i am now, waiting for steve to get home watching the Opera show about polygamy.  Actually somewhat interesting.  One guy married two sisters.  what the...??? Why??? sorry brandi i love you but not enough to share.  


sterlingandbrandi said...

Thanks Mel. Ditto.

the little darlings said...

hey, i didn't mean the blog as the new low, just watching opera on a friday night. see what i mean?

the little darlings said...

i mean oprah

Kendra said...

I'm glad you did, I love looking at both yours and Brandi's blog. Surprised?