So here's a happy vnicent with Grandma looking at the polar bears or "por bars". The day started off great but around the time we got to the brown bears vincent just lost it. I was carrying Vera in my sling (who did great by the way! and i sale slings incase anyone is interested, cheap plug, i know) and vincent, who had a stroller to ride in, freaked out and only wanted mom to carry him. Grandma tried her hardest but he would just scream! poor grandma! so i ended up carrying him on my hip while vera slept in the sling. i really should've gotten a picture. but talk about arm/back work out.

here's one of the playful bears that tried walking on this pipe. the other bear waved too. makes me wonder where they came from? can anyone say circus?

Here's vincent happy, but getting his feet wet and cold. We pretty much ran to see the wolves so we could get the H out of there and to our suprise, the wolves started howling ( i took some pictures, but the fence came in better focus than the wolves so i'm leaving it out). I got video clip of it but you mostly hear poor vin crying his head off. Sounds like he's trying to communicate. When we got to the car I saw that his shoes were wet so his poor little feet must have been freezing. Not to mention it was in the mid 20's that day.

Thanks Grandma for coming up! we love you and miss you terribly, especially mom! hopefully we will see you this summer!
Melanie- you've got great genes! Your mom looks like she's your older sister. She looks waaaay to young to be a grandma!
First of all, I have to thank Asia for her flattering comment and then tell you thanks for the memories. Even though Vincent ended up miserable and it was cold, I had a lot of fun and enjoyed every minute of our day at the zoo.
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