OUr LIviNg RoOM: okay, check out our sweet carpet! well, this just happend to be the day i decided to air this drop cloth out and fix some rips. alittle embarrassing, but you can look past that right? I love our front room though. The light comes in all day and it faces east so in the morning it just lights up. I also have a spiffy fireplace which just so happens to be my first fireplace to hand stockings on for 9 years! That is , christmas stockings of course.

SToraGE: This is our storage unit we finally organized a while back. Grand huh? well, we think so. But don't look to the right of it, we got some stuff there that wasn't meant to be in the picture (recycling and wood shelves) Anyone need some wood shelves?

NaP TIMe: Awww.. Precious. This is my favorite time of the day, too bad it's usually less than an hour.

SeLF poRtrait: I thought i throw in some of what i am usually doing which is... hanging out with the V man.

FriDGe: So here's my lovely fridge. I read somewhere not to put stuff on your fridge because it makes it look way cluttered (obviously) and small. So i had the bright idea, hey, why not just put them on the side, out of the way, so the front doesn't look cluttered and small?! However, what I soon came to realize, this is the ONLY view you pretty much see if you are walking in our house. opps. But i still like it. Fun pictures.

PlAy RoOM: call him spoiled. he loves balls, obsesses over them! i took him to the pet store the other day to look at animals and all he wanted to do was to find the dogs balls and throw them. go figure! so i made him a play-land down stairs with a plethora of balls. He loves it! and i love that he loves it!

gARage: steve's domain. what can i say about it? I like that i can fit my car into it!.....barely...

MEssy kItChen tABle: And yes, those are daisies Steve bought for me. Oh so sweet! and yes, that is my half eaten lunch. opps.

LAundRy roOm: oh so organized. Steve once again put his tools to the test and made this little contraption of wonder and joy. I love it! i can fold my clothes on it (when ever that happens :) and i can store all my soap and cleaners underneath. He's so handy. and yes, i know, my washer and dryer are extremly outdated. But you know what i say? Atleast it bets coin op.

CrAFt ROoM: So here is where my magic happens. it normally doesn't look like this AT ALL, it just so happens i caught it after i had cleaned up a few days before. I had my show and when i got home i about had a heart attack after i saw how messy it was. So it looks much better now, plus I normaly have a big table in the middle. Used that for the show too.

BAthrOOm: Here's are lovely bathroom. Since Steve spent so much time on it i try and keep it as clean as i can, make it look nice you know ? yeah, doesn't always happen.

BeDroOm: Ah! you actually get to see our bedroom. OKay okay, before you say anything, NO we did not put up the border, that was there when we moved in. It just so happens we are a little lazy and haven't painted yet, okay? Shesh

More KItchEn: Ah, the kitchen with dishes forever in the pan. I'm pretty good about washing dishes, especialy pots and pans when I'm done using them. But what i'm NOT good at is putting them away! They continually sit there in the draining pan until their next use. Is that wrong?
And don't forget to say hi to fishy, he likes people
So i'm sure i bored some of you and knocked off the socks of the rest (which i am known too) jk, im glad i just finally got this on here. Mostly so Brandi wouldn't give me crap. So i guess this is where i'm supposed to tag someone else, so i tag you Aubrie!
first of all..the border in your bedroom..haha i am glad you said something because before i read what you wrote i thought hum that doesn't fit your genre..i noticed..so funny..anyway my house is so boring and dull and also my memory card is full so it will take me some time before i can finish this tag..so be patient:)
I am really enjoying your blog, especially the pics of you and Vinny. Keep it up. LOVE, Grams
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