So sunday steve, vin and I went driving around town to look at the beautiful fall colors (since it really only last a few weeks before it's blanketed in snow) and we went driving up to a place right up the mountain above Anchorage called Bear Valley. On the way in (besides feeling like i was going to puke) i was starring out the window and i saw this view. I screamed StOP, Is that the Manti Temple? We couldn't believe our eyes. There hidden in the hills of Bear valley lays a smaller replica of the Temple, who knew? okay, so really we think the roof of someones house is just camoflauged into the background REALLY well. anyways, i had to snap a picture.

This was just another beautiful view of the small little community. Though i've never been there, it reminds me of a small european village. again, never been. This is how i imagine it looking.

SO on our way back we saw two moose, one male one female. You can probably guess what they were doing. anyways, i didn't get pictures of that, they were shy but i did get a lot of snap shots hanging out of our sun roof. Anyways, low and behold, i'm watching as a car is coming, speeding down the mountain and looks like they have no clue that there's a moose. Despite the fact there is a car stopped in the other lane of traffic with a person with a big camera standing through the sunroof!!! usually a dead give away SOMETHING is there. Anyways i was ready and waiting for a horrible scene (yes i know i'm demented for wanting to get a picture of it) but luckily the car slams on it's breaks the last second and the moose runs safely accross to his "girlfriend" unharmed. wow, the things we have to deal with up here. dumb moose? or dumb drivers?
1 comment:
Hey Mel...This is Crystal. How are you?! Your blog is very cute...and so is you little guy. Hows Alaska?! I'm actually asking for the very reason that Tork's brought it up...as in...it's possible we may be moving to the frozen North as well. ^^ I guess they offer pretty sweet deals to Math teachers to move there.
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