Isn't She Beautiful? She's gorgeous! She's even got her moms big hawaiian nose! She was born Feb 18th at 7:14 am. 6 lbs 10 oz (the exact same as vin, and the same birthday as my mom) and was delivered by the same doctor as vincent. Only thing was, this same doctor moved to new mexico 2 years ago and just happened to be working in AK this week only for they clinic i go to. Crazy!!! anyways, we were very excited when my other doctor called and told me to go in early tuesday to get induced. Apparently they were concerned about her size and the lack of fluid. We got in the afternoon of the 17th, and began the "process" at 5 pm. Luckily no petocin this time! they gave me something to soften the cervix and 12 hours later i went into labor by myself (so proud). At 5 am it got really bad and I still hadn't dialated much yet and the pain was severe so i had already decided on a epideral because of the last time i got induced. (pain!!!) So i got the epideral and 2 hours later dialated all the way to a ten. Unfortunately everytime i had a contraction near the end her heart beat would go way down and it wasn't until the she came out they saw the cord was wraped around her neck tight! But she came out within two contractions and she was beautiful. I'm so glad she's out (for more reasons than one) and we finally get to kiss her sweet smelling little face.

She reminds me a lot of her brother Vinny except the nose, her nose is like her moms. She also has a ton of hair!

Brother Vinny meeting Vera for the first time. He's going to be a great big brother! He calls her "baby" in his sweet, high pitched voice.
congratulations! i'm so happy for you guys and for little vin - he'll make a great big brother. she IS gorgeous! have fun with her - little girls are so much fun!
Congrats!! Trev had his chord around his neck..that can be soo scary so I am glad that everything is well! She is absolutely beautiful--can't wait to meet her!
She's SO CUTE Mel! Is that your nose? I only kind of remember your newborn picture, but it does seem kinda familiar. Love you and my new niece!
Congratulations! She's lovely. I'm glad everything went well. Can't wait to see more pictures!
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