who wants a cat in the hat anyway?

Actually, contrary to what this picture may tell you, he was pretty excited about getting Cat in the Hat. Although, i bought it a few days before at the new Kohls, and when i got home that was the first thing he saw. So really he wasn't too suprised. But he did enjoy this Easter, it was the first for him to look for and find his Easter basket. My Easter on the other hand was not so joyous. Vera was up for a lot of the night so Steve let me sleep in. He woke me up at 9:30, thinking church was at 1pm. but oh how he was wrong. it starts at 11 am. so upon my wake up i realize what time it is, knowing i still need to have vincent find his basket, take pictures, make a big easter breakfast, get showered and my self ready, along with getting vincent dressed and Vera up, feed and dressed. And to top it off, Vincent had already found Vera's basket while I was asleep and opened up the eggs and ate most of the candy while misplacing the toys. wow was I alittle stressed. Why does everyone else's Easter seem so peaceful and happy? And the picture above pretty much shows how the mood was. I think we were all ready to go at about 20 after 11, meanwhile i'm trying to get vincent's church bag packed and there's a basket caught under my skirt between my feet and won't come out until i kicked it across the room, much to Vincent's dismay. Then to top that off, i trip over my skirt going down the stairs and kick off one of my shoes. Needless to say i was a stressed sweat ball by the time I got to church. So yes, Laurelyn and Marissa, in case you noticed, that was why. But it all turned out good in the end. Oh, except for the fact i never got a picture of Vera with her cute easter dress or with her Easter basket. She was sleeping almost all day and I didn't have the heart to wake her up. Or the okay with Steve. he likes it when their quiet. But really the day ended well, and vincent got to spend it with his cousins. we all went to Ronda's for an Easter program Steve's parents put on (good job by the way) and we had a great ham dinner. can't beat that (or someone cooking for you).

1 comment:
Thank you Melanie for sharing your true feelings and the photos. You are a good mother and are doing a great job! When you get a moment, soon, put Vera's Easter outfit on and take a photo for me. I love you and pray for you.
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