most of the toys vincent owns he can live without, but these are the exceptions. These are the ones he plays with on and off day in and day out. What's great about these are they each have their own names and most are named by the sounds they make, except for one, that would be figure 2. And just to note, this is is second pair of pig and cow i had to buy since he left the first at church. good thing they were a buck each at target. thank you target.

Figure 1 This is his "choo choo". This however was not a dollar but more like 15. it's a long story of why i bought it but i was going to return it. I had it on my counter for like a month and vincent got his hands on it a number of times to take it out of package. fortunate for him he destroyed the packaging enough that i couldn't rightfully take it back anymore. so vincent please enjoy your $15 piece of plastic.

Figure 2 This is his "orrilla". When pronouncing this, stick your tongue out pretty far when you say the "illa" part, then you've said it right. He became obsessed with "orillas" when he saw the movie "Mighty Joe Young" on TV. Don't ask me why.

Figure 3 This is his family of "sniff sniff", or pigs. Yep, one small, one medium, and one large. He mostly loves the medium and large ones. I feel bad for the runt. However, when he talks about a pig, he doesn't say the word, just make a sniffing noise to represent the pig. When you hear him sniff twice, he's talking about a pig.

Figure 4 This would be his "boo". Once again it's another animal he won't say the name to but will just make the sound to represent it. However, like most sounds he has this one is alittle off too. We tell him to say "moooooo" and he say's "booooooo". So he just calls them boos. why argue?
i LOVE that he names them by their sounds. seems like an artist to me! :)
Thanks for the photos and comments, especially of Vincent. It brings back fun memories of him and his toys. I love you guys!!!
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