so the other day i got out steves ukulele and vincent about had a heartattack. once he realized you could pull the stings and it made sound he would not put it down! even though he pulled the strings out about 10 times further than they regularly stretch as if they were rubber bands istill couldn't take it away from that smile. rock on vinny, rock on! and yes, he rocks the dragon rain boots too.
cute! Lily loves Ster's guitar too. the easter dress is cute too! Is that Vinny's new hairdo? You need to post a picture of it. I can't tell who Vera looks like. Is that what Steve's nose looked like as a baby?
Another musician in the family. Cool! I am wondering too about Vincent's new hair cut. The baseball cap is cute and a new look for him. He definately looks like a boy now. Love you.
That is too cute. Lucy tried to play with my guitar but doesn't really have the whole strumming thing down and does more of a smashing!
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